

The XIX Provincial Chapter was held in Valladolid from 14 to 22 July. The first two days were attended by some lay people and Brothers, as well as the capitulants, for moments of formation and reflection. The central theme was ‘Same mission, new challenges’.

With the motto ‘Kami adalah kawan sekerja Allah’ 1 Cor 3, 9 (‘We are co-workers in the work of God’) the first religious profession of twenty-four novices was celebrated on the evening of 13 July. Stefanus Buyung O.Carm, Vicar General of the diocese of Maumere.

AJEN 2024 – The first AJEN (Acampada Juvenil de Espiritualidad Nazarena) took place between 19 and 22 June, after the interruption caused by the pandemic and the necessary process of reconstitution of the Youth Pastoral processes.

Four of the Brothers who studied in Rome this year spent a week of formation in Belley (at the Mother House of the Congregation) and visited the places where Brother Gabriel lived.

On 3 July, the New Kario Company, linked to the Chartreuse, was presented. The event was attended by the civil authorities and 9 Brothers were present. The new Director, Mr. Olivier Pin, presented the history of the Distillery and congratulated the Brothers for their work.

“The ASF is a civil organisation inserted in the church and from there it is projected that being a member has in itself a formal dimension, a vocational and faith option, and an assumed mission that is reflected in the commitment.

Yesterday, 28th June, took place the graduation of the first promotion of students of the training cycles of the CIFP Sagrada Familia Valladolid. This graduation was testimony to a training project that began a few years ago and is now a reality.

We boys from the 5th B of the Collegio Sacra Famiglia in Turin are in Rome, at the Olympic stadium in a festive atmosphere. The pope’s surprise entrance creates an explosion of jubilation.

During the first week of May, a group of teachers from the Sa-Fa Family schools in Spain travelled to Belley to follow in the footsteps of Brother Gabriel through the places that marked his life and work.

This day is helping to consolidate the already strong links between our two schools, but also to forge important links with the brothers. Creating a common culture to build a work at the service of education and the Sa-Fa Family.

More than 100 young people, boys and girls from different Sa-Fa schools in Argentina met in ‘Villa Sagrada Familia’ (Córdoba) from the 2nd to the 4th of May to discover in this retreat that we call EMAUS a Jesus who is close to us and who walks with us

On May 1st, a heartfelt memorial event unfolded within the Community of Madurai, marking a significant milestone as Five Brothers of the Holy Family: Brothers Ashwin Pradhan, Joji Bulla, Sukanta Nayak, Rajesh Babu, and Tamil Selvan, committed to their Perpetual Profession

On April 13th, a momentous event unfolded at our Formation House in Eluru as we celebrated the First Religious Profession of three Brothers of the Holy Family: Brothers Sudeep Beck, Sandeep Horo, and Mangeya Topno, hailing from the state of Jharkhand.

On April 6, 2024, in the city of Ambato, was the XII NATIONAL MEETING OF NAZARENE FRATERNITIES OF ECUADOR. With the presence of 60 fraternal brothers from Lago Agrio, Guaranda, Quito, Ambato and Puyo, we reflected on the document “Laity under the same roof of Nazareth”

The Holy Week for Catholics encourages us every year in Ecuador to collaborate with communities and parishes that do not have priests. We carry out paraliturgical celebrations, we accompany children, young people and families so that they can live these holy days in the most dignified way possible.

The Nazareth Youth Philippines in collaboration with St. John the Baptist Parish of Brgy. Lasang and GKK Sto. Niño, Bucana once again hold its Kabatan-unan sa Nazareth Outreach Program with the children on March 24, 2024

Students from the Sagrada Familia de la Familia Sa-Fa schools in Uruguay are on their Holy Week mission in the San José Obrero Parish in Ciudad del Plata, in the department of San José.

On Saturday, the 16th, the Meeting of Brothers and Fraternities of the Uruguay sector was held in Aguada, since it could not be held in San José, as usual, due to the floods that are affecting a good part of the country.

The 16th, 43 young people from Ambato, Puyo and Guaranda met to learn about the work to be done in the Holy Week Missions. We worked on each of the liturgies and finished with the Eucharist and sending forth, with the imposition of the cross.

The Vincentian Camp 2023-2024 “Behold” is not only an event, but an exciting journey towards the unity and transformation of diverse families that converge into one.

The camp “Home and Workshop” was held in El Campanero with the participation of young people from all the works in Uruguay. An experience of Home through living together and reflection and another experience of “workshop”, concrete work in the place.

Lent is indeed a season of conversion, a time to recall all our experiences and learning lessons from it. The Nazareth Youth – Philippines in preparation for the celebration once again hold its annual recollection and team building together with the members of the Nazareth youth group

On the 9th and 10th the 53rd Assembly of the National Association of parents of the Sa-Fa Family schools in Spain took place in Gavà. Saturday the 9th was dedicated to training with work on verbal and non-verbal communication, conflict management and the development of listening skills.

“There are people who, when they cross our path, reveal to us the mystery of things” (Jorge Méndez). On the 24th and 25th February, the Sa-Fa Youth Pastoral Assembly of Argentina took place in the sports field “La Morenita”, Buenos Aires.

An intense and exciting weekend was spent in Ecuador on the 23rd, 24rd and 25th February. We celebrated two Vocational Encounters, one in Ambato and the other in Puyo. With great enthusiasm we continue our journey of discovering God’s plan in our lives

Last Friday, February 16, a group of teachers from the Sa-Fa Family schools in Spain were lucky enough to share a day aimed at reflecting and delving deeper into Interiority in our schools

Nuestra Señora del Carmen School in Finisterre (Spain), which is part of the Sa-Fa Family, has been awarded the prize in the 13th edition of the competition “A pastoral care and educational innovation practices” organised by Escolas Católicas de Galicia.

Hundreds of people gathered in Gabriel Taborin gymnasium last January 28, 2024 as we celebrated its annual Family Day with the theme: “Embracing Diversity, Strengthening Family”.

Only the pandemic interrupted this beautiful activity: the Mission of the young people of the Sa-Fa Family in Argentina and Uruguay for 40 years. This year it has returned, with the same enthusiasm as always, to continue promoting in our charismatic family the passion for the mission as it did 200 years ago.

On the afternoon of January 27th the Brothers, the Nazarene Fraternity and the Management Team of Gabriel Taborin College celebrated Holy Family Day. During the Eucharist, 3 members of the Fraternity renewed their commitments,

With this motto the Lorette – Sainte Anne Province opened a double jubilee: the 225th year of the Founder’s birth and the 200th year of the beginning of his mission. Since November 2023, the different provinces have begun to celebrate this double jubilee in different ways.

From the 3rd to the 5th of January, the Brothers of the Province of Our Lady of Hope held a retreat at the Good Shepherd House in Florida (Uruguay). These were days of fraternal encounter, of dialogue on some of the themes of the Province

After the pandemic and the rehabilitation works of the building, little by little the activity is coming back, now in a completely renovated structure. Communities of young people, groups of teachers, groups of pupils from our schools are returning to this very familiar hostel.

On the last day of class in December, all the students brought the elderly people from the centre to visit the school’s Nativity Scene. What joy was reflected on the faces of these elderly people! A religion class in practice.

Sainte Famille School Complex (SaFaSCo) of Tamale is the new school built by the Brothers of the Holy Family in Tamale, Ghana. SaFaSCo opened its doors to welcome its first students on October 2, 2023. But the official opening and blessing took place on December 8

There were many activities at all levels of the College. The Preparatory section, to celebrate the month, held a tribute with a small but meaningful play for our little ones in primary school.

On the 25th of November, the first religious profession of the novice Nicolás Silva took place in the Cathedral of Salto (Uruguay). Nicolás was born in Salto. He completed the stages of Aspirancy and Postulancy in the communities of Córdoba (AR) and San José de Mayo (UY). He did his Novitiate in the house in [...]
The Second Meeting of Communication Networks of the Province of Our Lady of Hope was held in Cordoba on 16 and 17 November. The theme of the meeting was "Keys for a synodal communication" led by Prof. Carlos Raco. Around 40 people from all the works of the Province took part. It took place in [...]
From the 10th to the 12th of November, the retreat of the FFNN of Argentina was held in Villa Sagrada Familia in Cordoba. More than 100 people participated, including lay people and Brothers, from all the Fraternities of Argentina. Members of the coordinating team from Uruguay and Brazil also participated. The retreat took place in [...]

On October 28th, the 5th solidarity concert of the Choirs of the Sa-Fa Schools of Argentina was held at the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Buenos Aires. These choirs from Colegio San José de Tandil, Colegio Institución Escuti, Córdoba and Colegio Sagrada Familia de Buenos Aires took part in the concert.

At the end of October we held the III Vocational Meeting in Ambato in which 16 young people participated. We have focused our reflection on the experience of Elijah who finds God in the “gentle breeze”.

On 21 and 22 October, Colégio Sagrada Família in Itapiranga held the Sa-Fa Youth Mission 2023 at the Terra Nova Shelter in the city of Mondaí, with the participation of students, brothers and teachers, with the aim of carrying out missionary work.

From the 20th to the 22nd of October, the retreat of the NNF was held in the Good Shepherd House in Florida, with the participation of 33 people between Brothers and Lay people. It was organised by the Coordinating Team of the FFNN of the Province

The initiative, proposed last year as the ‘Walk for Peace’ and proposed again this year on Saturday 14 October, represented Chieri’s chorus in favour of peace.

“Sainte Famille School Complex (SaFaSCo) in Tamale is the newest school opened by the Brothers of the Holy Family in Tamale, Ghana. It officially opened its doors on October 2, 2023.

One of the emblematic places in Montevideo is undoubtedly the Museum of the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Montevideo. It is named after Brother Mario Ducruet, who dedicated part of his life to organising the museum together with other Brothers.

We share the joyful news of the entrance into the Postulancy of the young St. Albert. The ceremony took place on the 7th October in the house of Eluru in India. Brother Efrain, Delegate of the Provincial in India led this beautiful celebration.

On the morning of Thursday, October 5th, a meeting of the Provincial Board of Directors was held at the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Montevideo with all the directors, sector coordinators and others responsible for the works of the Sa-Fa Family in Uruguay

From 9 September to 7 October, we, Brother Albano from Brazil/Timor Oriental, Brothers Abhay and Paul from India, Brother Benjamin from Burkina Faso and Brother Samuel from Benin, had the privilege of taking part in a formation programme in Romeon the accompaniment of young Brothers.

On Wednesday 4th October, the school Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Fisterra) received the National Reading Clubs Award for the work developed in the centre. This project aims to connect students with the words contained in books.

On Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September, the fourth year students of the Gabriel Taborin School in the city of Cordoba (Argentina) carried out the Model United Nations.

On 30 September, the fiftieth anniversary of the presence of the Brothers in Finisterre was celebrated. The celebration was centred on three moments.
The Eucharist was presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago, Mons. Francisco José Prieto Fernández

At the Sagrada Familia Educational Unit in Ambato (Ecuador) we have dedicated the month of September, the “yellow month”, to working on the value of our life, with workshops in class, a talk on suicide prevention in adolescents and young people.

From the 20th to the 23rd of September a new Nazarene Mission of young people from the Colleges of Uruguay took place. About 80 young people lived this experience in the town of Progreso in the department of Canelones.

Four Brothers from our Congregation are taking part: Brothers Albano (East Timor), Samuel (Benin), Abhay and Paul (India). An excellent opportunity to renew contents and, above all, forms and styles of accompaniment.

Meeting between the members of the Youth Ministry of the Province (JASAFA) and those of the Fraternities. Representatives from Ouahigouya, Fada, Kongoussi and Ouagadougou took part.

Brothers Wenseslaus Jendot, Alfred Klau, Aristorius Rambang and Deodatus Seran are the first Brothers to form the new Community of Noemuke, on the Island of Timor – Indonesia

On Saturday 2nd September the INTERSAFA of the 7th year secondary school students (formerly 1st year of high school) from all the Sa-Fa schools in Uruguay took place in the San José de Minas school in Minas.

The Sa-Fa Family schools of San José de Mayo and Salto in Uruguay have a group called “Childhood and missionary animation”. One of their activities is this nice activity called “Rescuing a smile”.

On 12 August, in the chapel of the Community of Kupang (Indonesia), we celebrated the final vows of Brothers Valentinus Naif, Robertus Galgani and Damianus Asa during the Eucharist.

On the 12th August the 28th meeting of catechists took place at the San Juan Bautista school in Montevideo, with the addition this year of the youth animators.

The vocation camp is a place where the candidates have the possibility to be introduced to the religious environment and to discover the kind of life they will choose in the future. In our vocation camp 15 young people have participated

On the basis of this call of the 2019 Chapter, the General Council organised in Sigüenza (Spain) a meeting of animators of the young people of the Sa-Fa Family. There were representatives from Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Spain, France and Italy.

On 26 July, the feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, the Brothers of the Province of Loreto-St. Anne celebrated the patronal feast of the Province. On this occasion the celebration took place in the parish church of St. Andrew

With the motto “Bangkitlah Menjadi Terang” (Is 60,1) (Arise and be Light) the first profession of nineteen novices, fifteen Indonesians, three Timorese and one Filipino, was celebrated on the evening of 8 July in our chapel in Nita.

“Towards the essential of the following of Jesus and the centrality of the human relationality”. This was the theme of the Seminar of Brothers, organized by CLAR that took place in Quito

FABE Marau, in its Law course, achieved the maximum concept 5, awarded by MEC – Ministry of Education for a Higher Education Undergraduate course.

The National Congress of Catholic Education was held in Salvador, Bahia with the theme “Transforming the Present, Weaving the Future of Catholic Education: pacts and commitments”.

Summary of the work done on the second day of the IV International Meeting of Nazarene Fraternities held in Villa Brea (Chieri – Italy).

“Nazarene Fraternities on the way, a Nazarene style of following Jesus”, was dealt with by Brother Enzo Biemmi, with a presentation rich in content to nourish Nazarene spirituality.

Thank you for being the first reference points for coexistence in our school. We hope that next year we can go hand in hand in the formation of new leaders

On 24, 25 and 26 June, the bicentenary of the new configuration of the Diocese of Belley-Ars came to a close in Belley. The heart of the Curé of Ars was venerated, among other places, in our two chapels

Although in different months depending on the states, the communities and schools in India have started a new school year. A year that is full of challenges

Brothers and teachers thank the young graduates for their presence at the College. Venerable Brother Gabriel is the host of this luncheon.

The official inauguration of the Sagrada Familia Integrated Vocational Training Centre took place in Valladolid on 21 June. The Vicar General, Br. David Rasero, presided over the ceremony.

On Saturday 17th June, in the chapel of the College in Madrid, Brother Óscar Parro was ordained as a priest by Cardinal Carlos Osoro

Today, 15 June, after a year since the last shipment, we managed to load a 40-foot container of humanitarian aid.

The teaching teams and PSAs were delighted to discover Brother Gabriel’s house and the new spiritual centre.

Yes, it has been 40 years of an endearing celebration that every year brings together the entire educational community of the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Madrid.

Emmaus: Meeting of young people from the Sa-Fa pastoral in Argentina. Around 200 young people sharing life and faith. A meeting that replaces the Easter that was celebrated before the pandemic.

Assembly of the ASF of Argentina. It was attended by about 65 members (Brothers and Lay) with a good spirit and active participation of those present.

Retreat for educators of the Sa-Fa Family Schools in Uruguay. An opportunity to take care of each other and to take care of the growth of the shared charism.

On June 1st the students of the 2nd year of Social Studies of the Colegio Sagrada Familia de Buenos Aires visited 4 old people’s homes in our neighbourhood

Solidarity project of the Holy Family School of Itapiranga (Brazil) with the aim of spreading the knowledge and practice of family gardens.

We build an Educational Community in every school. The educational task of our Sa-Fa Schools is a choral work in which everyone is valued and everyone is counted on.

The first after the pandemic. The first time in the new motherhouse. The privilege of walking in the “footsteps” of Gabriel Taborin. The good fortune of doing it with Brother Juan José del Cura… all together.

SaFa Valladolid has started the experience of the presence of Erasmus students, the first ones being students from Poland. This is also a magnificent opportunity for our students.

On Saturday 27 May 2023, the blessing of the premises of the Casa Alpina Sacra Famiglia took place in Challant Saint Anselme, Aosta.

The Brothers, members of the Fraternity and students of Gabriel Taborin in Davao are carrying out a solidarity activity with about 350 children.

Training sessions with the teachers of Colegio Familia de Tijuana. Connected to the network of Sa-Fa Schools for the world

A group of families, young people and brothers from Animasafa spent the long weekend in the places where Brother Gabriel lived

“We are the fruit and seed of dreams”, Brother Gabriel’s dream, supported by the dream of the Family of Nazareth that invites us to take care of ourselves and others.

The young people of the Province of La Esperanza celebrated the “Meeting with Brother Gabriel and the young animators” in “Villa Sagrada Familia”, Argentina.

In the framework of meetings of the Extended Council of the Delegation of India, the Perpetual Profession of Brothers Shishir Pawan Kerketta, Alok Kujur and Ananth Raj took place on 29 April in the Madurai Community.

The Vicariate of Puyo and the San Vicente Ferrer Educational Unit are present at the Family Walk. We are family. The Sa-Fa Family is committed to the family.