As of 2022, the Province of Our Lady of Loreto – Saint Anne comprises six countries, two in Europe and four in Africa: France, Italy, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Benin and Ghana.
The beginnings
The remote origin of the Province is blended with the one of the Institute which was born in France. During the life of the Founder, and after his death until the expulsion of the Brothers in 1903, in France they were opened more than 200 houses, some of them with a short life. Their existence was linked to the parish service which sometimes was of brief duration. In 1903 the Brothers are expelled from France. They find refuge in Tunisia (1902-1921), in Italy (1903 …) and soon after in Spain (1909 …). The General Administration was moved to Villa Brea (Chieri-Turin). In Villa Brea it is opened an Aspirancy and Postulancy for the youth coming from France, and the Novitiate with young from France, to which they join young coming from Spain, and from 1929 also from Italy.
The creation of the Provinces
In 1923 the Institute is subdivided in two Provinces: The Province of Europe and the Province of South America. In 1939 the historical events and the imminence of the World War II oblige the General Administration to come back to Belley. In France it is opened the Aspirancy of Tessy and the Novitiate of Belley. In 1947 in Europe the Brothers are subdivided in two groups: the Province of France-Italy and the Vice-Province of Spain. In 1959 there is a new organization: The Province of France with the name of “Sacré-Cœur”, the Vice-Province of Italy with the name of “Madonna di Loreto” and the Province of Spain with the name of “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”.
It was in the same year that the Brothers of the Holy Family of Ouagadougou, founded a few years earlier by Mgr Thévenoud, a former student of the Brothers in France, merged with the Brothers of the Holy Family of Belley (by a decree of 2 February of the Congregation of Religious).
The mission of Upper Volta (later Burkina Faso) is assigned to the Province of France. From October 1958, Brothers Camille Mercier (France), Silvestre Pia (Italy) and Alonso Rodriguez (Spain) together with the African Brothers took charge of the formation of the Brothers and the organisation of the communities and the development of the works. The formation house at Saaba (near the capital), founded in 1952, was the heart of the mission. The General Council, at its meeting of 26/08/1959, appointed Brother Camillo “Delegate of the Superior General in the Mission of Upper Volta”. In 1961 the “Joseph Moukassa” college was built in Koudougou and in 1964 the Brothers began to work in the catechists’ schools of Imasgo, Donsen and Bam.
Given the growing number of Brothers (some coming from other Provinces) and of those in formation, in 1965 the Vice-Province of St. Anne was created.
In 1974 the experience of young volunteers in the “Friendship and Work Camps” promoted by the Centre of Missionary Animation of Villa Brea (Italy) began in Nanoro and Goundi.
Given the good rhythm of growth in all aspects, in 1978 the Province of St. Anne was established with the communities of Alto Volta.
The new administrative units
In the period preceding the Vatican Council II in France and Italy the vocations allowed to look with confidence the future of the two Provinces. In the post-Council the number of vocations starts diminishing, first in France and later on in Italy.
In 1983, the General Chapter asked all the Provinces to open houses outside their usual territory. France was entrusted with the development of Burkina Faso with the collaboration of Brothers from other countries. The Italian Province opened its first community in Mexico in 1987.
In 2010 the lack of vocations in France and Italy and the low growth in Mexico led to a reduction of personnel, so that the Province of “Sacre-Coeur” (France) and “Madonna di Loreto” (Italy and Mexico) have united under the name of Madonna di Loreto. The choice of the name is due to the Nazarene significance of the shrine of Loreto. In both countries, attention to education (schools in Lyon, Dagneux, Turin and Tijuana), pastoral insertion in various parishes and other activities have been maintained. Collaboration with the laity, the presence of the Nazarene Fraternities and the missionary impulse continue to open new horizons.
The Province of St Anne has continued to increase and diversify its activities in recent decades: general, technical and agricultural schools, reception and social centres, schools for catechists. It has taken care of the religious and civil formation of the Brothers and has renewed its missionary commitment by leaving Burkina Faso and creating new communities in Ivory Coast, Benin and Ghana.
In 2022, with the reorganisation of the Institute, the Provinces merged under the name of “Nuestra Señora de Loreto – Santa Ana” and the communities of Mexico became part of the Province of Our Lady of the Assumption..

Provincial: Bro. Julien Zoungrana
1st Councillor: Bro. Mauro Romano
2nd Councillor: Bro. Victor Sawadogo
3rd Councillor: Bro. Honoré Ouédraogo
4th Councillor: Bro. Emmanuel Zongo
5th Councillor: Bro. Vittorio Sarnico
Mission of the Communities
- Belley (1840). Retreat house. “Maison Gabriel Taborin”, welcoming individuals and groups. Belley Cathedral
- Ars (1849). Animation of the Sanctuary, reception and animation of pilgrim groups.
- Dagneux (1899). “Institution Saint Louis. Education. Pastoral activity
- Lyon (1954). “Institution Charles de Foucauld” under the Trusteeship of FSF. Educational and pastoral activities.
- Lyon (2022). Community of Brothers. Acacias Street.
6. Villa Brea – Chieri (1903). Missionary group. Sports centre. Reception of groups. Relics of the Curé of Ars.
7. Torino (1946). “Collegio Sacra Famiglia”¨: Education. Pastoral activity.
8. Verona (1961). Parochial activity and theological formation.
9. Marocchi (2010). Parish activity.
10. Sâaba (1952). Formation house (aspirancy, novitiate, scholasticate). “Centro Sagrada Familia” (Holy Family Centre) Metal carpentry workshop producing the “Volanta” pump. “St. Joseph’s College.
11. Ouagadougou (1953). Headquarters of the Province. Notre Dame de Lorette reception centre. Care for market traders” and university students.
12. Koudougou (1961). “Joseph Moukassa College: Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate education. Pastoral action in the school and in the schools of the area.
13. Imasgo. (1965). School of Catechists of the diocese of Koudougou.
14. Goundi – Laafi Ziiga (1966). Vocational training centres which take in young people in difficulty and offer them training in agriculture, mechanics, welding… “Sylvestre Pia Home”: Reception of university students.
15. Nanoro (1972). Lycée Professionnel ” Sainte-Anne (1994). with specialisations in agronomy and zootechnics. Missionary cooperation in rural environment. Primary school.
16. Fada N’Gourma (1994) “Vocational training centre”: mechanics, electricity, … “College” for primary and secondary education. Pastoral activities.
17. Ouagadougou (1994). College “Wendmanegda”. Primary, secondary and baccalaureate education. Pastoral activities.
18. Nyonko (1994). “Gabriel Taborin School: Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate. Vocational training: mechanics, auto electronics. Pastoral activities. Welding centre and mechanical workshop.
19. Ouahigouya (2001). Collaboration with the diocese. Catechesis, radio and workshop. Pastoral animation in school and parish.
20. CFC – Gyalguen (2001). School for catechists. Technical centre.
21. Pîisy – Ouagadougou (2001). “Holy Family School. Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate Education. Pastoral activities.
22. CFPP/USTA -Sâaba (2008) Centre for Pastoral and Professional Training of Teachers. Management of St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic University.
23. Namoungou (2016). Closed in 2022 due to terrorism). School for Catechists.
24. Koudougou (2022). “Camille Mercier College: primary, secondary and baccalaureate education.
25. Gagnoa (1986). Reopened in 2022.
26. Tanguietá (2008). “School Father Chazal” Secondary School. Vocation Promotion and Pastoral of Families
27. Tamalé (2016). House of formation. Vocational animation. Holy Family School (2023).