
40 years of Safamistad! Madrid

SYes, it has been 40 years of an endearing celebration that every year brings together the entire educational community of the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Madrid. It was held on 10 and 11 June last. Only the pandemic managed to impose its rigour to stop this meeting.

A meeting prepared by the Parents’ Association, but in which all the agents of the school are involved: Brothers, teachers, auxiliary staff, fathers, mothers… grandparents…. But also in a very active way Carumanda and other entities that collaborate in many ways.

The protagonists? Well … the whole family, because every year the activities are aimed at everyone. Words like Pequesafa, Bar Papito, Carumanda, charity tombola, inflatables, foam baths… for children, youngsters, parents, mothers and grandparents are already part of the vocabulary of the Centre. …. There is no lack of sport, music, games, theatre on occasions, exhibitions of various works carried out during the year… In addition to the family festivities, there are moments to think of others: the raffle with the solidarity nature of its results, the race through the neighbourhood organised by Carumanda, the sale of objects promoted by Carumanda… and a host of other activities. The Sunday Eucharist is the moment of celebration of faith during which, as if by magic, all activities come to a standstill. Then they are resumed all Sunday afternoon to finish with the end of the festival. Everyone is tired, everyone is happy… it has become true that being Sa-Fa is being Safamistad. And so now… 40 years! Congratulations

More than a party