Brothers Wenseslaus Jendot, Alfred Klau, Aristorius Rambang and Deodatus Seran are the first Brothers to form the new Community of Noemuke. This town is about two and a half hours from Kupang (Timor Island – Indonesia). They left for their community on September 9. In Noemuke there is a “stasi” with five chapels belonging to the Panite parish. They were accompanied on the trip by 13 scholastic Brothers and Brother Firmin to help set up the community. On Saturday afternoon they carried out various activities and the Sunday Eucharist was animated by the Brothers’ choir. Numerous faithful, neighbors and authorities attended. At the end, the official community reception took place.
The community will initially live in the parish until an appropriate place for their residence is completed. The community’s mission will be educational activity in three nearby centers: a primary school, a secondary school and a high school. And, they will also help in the pastoral service of the 5 chapels that this “stasi” has.