Yesterday, 28th June, took place the graduation of the first promotion of students of the training cycles of the CIFP Sagrada Familia Valladolid. This graduation was testimony to a training project that began a few years ago and is now a reality. A commitment to educational quality where we have sought to integrate vocational training with attitudinal development.
At CIFP Sa-Fa Tech, technicians are trained in the technological area in close collaboration with the business network, instilling Christian values. The philosophy of the centre is to merge technology with humanism, ensuring a comprehensive training that prepares students not only as competent professionals, but as whole people.
We would like to thank the entire CIFP Sagrada Familia team, whose hard work and dedication have been fundamental to the success of our students. Their commitment to educational excellence and their ability to inspire, accompany and motivate students are key elements of the charism of the Sa Fa Family.