
Heritage Day. Uruguay

Heritage Day is celebrated in Uruguay on 7 October. It is a day in which emblematic places are opened to be visited by the people, so that the general public can get to know these places. One of the emblematic places in Montevideo is undoubtedly the Museum of the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Montevideo. It is named after Brother Mario Ducruet, who dedicated part of his life to organising the museum together with other Brothers. It contains valuable documents and didactic objects from the long history of this more than one hundred year old Colegio de la Familia Sa-Fa. This year, the Minister of Education and Culture, Dr. Pablo Da Silveira, chose our museum to visit it and tour its facilities, leaving us a beautiful message for the whole educational community. A good opportunity to remind everyone of the value of our museum and the need to continue to care for and enrich it.