
On mission today with Brother Gabriel

With this motto the Lorette – Sainte Anne Province opened a double jubilee: the 225th year of the Founder’s birth and the 200th year of the beginning of his mission. After the invitation of the Superior General and his Council since November 2023, the different provinces have begun to celebrate this double jubilee in different ways.

With a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Pierre YANOGO, Provincial of the Order of the Servants of the Sick and also by the presidents of the major superiors of Burkina and Niger, as well as by the Brothers of the Province, the Nazarene Fraternities, the Fathers of the students, the Jasafa, delegations of students, friends and sympathizers of the mission of the Venerable Brother Gabriel TABORIN opened the jubilee year in the Aspirantate. The entire Sa-Fa Family. A very colorful celebration. Brother Provincial and the organizing committee urged the entire Sa-Fa Family to enthusiastically celebrate this year of grace so that Brother Gabriel may be loved and prayed for and so that this 200-year mission may continue to live on.
Brother Georges R SYAN. President of the organizing committee