
First mission community in East Timor

After 2 years of negotiations, on 4 August 2024, the feast of St. Curé d’Ars, the welcome of the Brothers’ Community was celebrated in Ponilala (East Timor) by the authorities and the faithful of the Parish. All the Brothers of Timor attended as it was an historic event: the first mission community. At 10.30 a.m., a cultural ceremony began with the imposition of the traditional vestments on Brother Albano Schroeder and the parish priest. The other brothers and aspirants had to carry the “celendang” on their shoulders, as tradition dictates. At 11.30 a.m. the solemn mass began in procession from the entrance portico to the churchyard in the presence of a large number of the faithful. The liturgy and singing was led by the Brothers of the Holy Family, with the participation of the liturgy team and the local choir. During the thanksgiving, Brother Albano introduced Brothers Ricardino dos Santos, Noé Martins and Rosmalino Babo, who are members of the community. He thanked the Cardinal, the parish priest and the Chief of Suco for their welcome. The community will devote itself to education in the Secondary School and pastoral activities in the mission station named Sagrada Familia.