Heirs of the burning zeal of the Founder, the Brothers of the Holy Family devote themselves to promoting liturgical life of which they are active participants and animators” (C 123).
The entire life of Brother Gabriel is deeply marked by the experience of liturgy. He expressed it in “decorating the holy altars”, “assisting the priests in the religious ceremonies” and “developing the functions of cantor or sacristan”.
The Vatican Council II defined the role of the Liturgy in this beautiful sentence: “The Liturgy is the summit towards which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time, it is the font from which all her power flows” (SC 10). How well Brother Gabriel understood this, when he closely united in his mission: school, temple and home! In other words: education, catechesis and liturgy.
We try to motivate youth and adults of our educational works and parishes to participate of the life of faith of the local Church and to be an active part of her. We favour the participation of everybody, trying to adapt the expressions to the different ambiences and ages, within the respect to the spirit of the celebration and the rules of the Church.
The liturgical animation that we carry out consists in: Preparing the liturgy, decorating the church, making introductions and reading the readings, directing the songs, animating for the participation of everyone, explaining the.