From the 20th to the 22nd of October, the retreat of the NNF was held in the Good Shepherd House in Florida, with the participation of 33 people between Brothers and Lay people. It was organised by the Coordinating Team of the FFNN of the Province, who attended the Retreat in full. The central theme was: “The vocation of the members of the Nazarene Fraternities”. The following themes were discussed: Open our hearts to others who walk alongside us. Called to rediscover our Nazarene vocation. Becoming aware of the call to the Sa-Fa Family. In Nazareth there was prayer and love. Family spirit and reading the Word with “Nazarene eyes”.
During the retreat 3 renewed their commitments, 2 for the first time and 2 for good. It ended with the Eucharist of thanksgiving presided over by the local bishop, Mgr Martín Pérez. It goes without saying that the fraternal atmosphere that prevailed throughout the retreat was outstanding.