On June 9, the Assembly of the ASF of Argentina was held in Cordoba (Escuti). It was attended by about 65 members (Brothers and lay people). As usual, after a round of considerations, the annual report and the annual financial year were approved. Brother Mamerto spoke about the revitalisation of the Institute and presented the link with the Vice-Province of St. Joseph the Worker and the new commitments to be taken on. At the end, work was done on the identity of the ASF member and some concrete proposals: formation in the Nazarene-Taborinian charism, itineraries for new members and encouraging meetings for living together. The opening prayer on mission, discipleship and the following of Jesus provided the appropriate framework for the assembly which culminated in the Escuti chapel with a very heartfelt and well attended celebration. We are grateful for the good spirit of the whole meeting and the active participation of those present.