
Presentation of the New Kario Society in Belley

The New Kario Society linked to the Chartreuse was presented on 3 July. The event was attended by the civil authorities and 9 Brothers were present. The new Director, Mr. Olivier Pin, presented the history of the Distillery in which he mentioned and thanked the Brothers of the Holy Family for their initiative, wisdom and sustained work over time, as well as the two lay people who have run the Distillery in recent years.

Despite the fact that the Society has only been working at the Distillery for 11 months, the New Kario Society presented and offered a tasting of the new non-alcoholic beverages. They bear the brand name “Henri Marie – boisson végétale”, in honour of Brother Jean Marie who created the Stellina and Kario Kylon drinks in 1905. In total 7 new beverages are produced in the Distillery to satisfy a market that increasingly values natural beverages without chemical additives.