The aim of formation to Religious Life is to enable those in formation and Religious to discover and assimilate the identity of the Consecrated Life proper to the Brother of the Holy Family and to insert themselves into the world as witnesses to Christ. The formation of the Brother in all its stages has a strong communitarian character.
The first stage is the discovery of God’s call. It is often perceived during adolescence. It emerges again at the age of making fundamental choices in life. It is followed by the invitation “Come and see”. This is the time to get to know the Brothers more closely.
Postulancy is a personal step which involves participation in times of reflection and community prayer. This allows the process of discernment to begin. This stage can take various forms but the most common one is participation in community life following a particular formation plan.
The next step is entry into the Novitiate: a period of one or two years entirely devoted to initiation into religious life. The Novitiate ends with the first temporary Profession. The young Brother takes, for a period of one or two years, renewable, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, which express his religious consecration.
During this period of temporary vows, called the Scholasticate, the Brother continues his religious and professional formation with studies that prepare him to carry out his mission. After at least five years of temporary vows, he is allowed to make perpetual Profession.