Nos On 21 and 22 October, Colégio Sagrada Família in Itapiranga held the Sa-Fa Youth Mission 2023 at the Terra Nova Shelter in the city of Mondaí, with the participation of students, brothers and teachers, with the aim of carrying out missionary work.
The Sa_Fa Youth Mission event is already a tradition, taking place every year at the Sa-Fa Family schools. According to Maikel Gustavo Schneider, a teacher at the school, this year’s mission had the theme “Get up and go” and was aimed at children and teenagers in the Terra Nova Shelter in the city of Mondaí. “This year our students organised and planned the event with autonomy and leadership. We started with a moment of integration, moving on to games, games and workshops, always with the participation of everyone involved. At the end, we held a big picnic, with a round of songs and the distribution of gifts.”
For Valcir Francisco Rizzardo, a Brother of the Holy Family, the Sa-Fa Youth Mission is a unique moment in the life of each student, as it provides experiences that aim to touch each participant, demonstrating the importance of looking at other people with love and affection. “On the students’ initiative, the mission aimed to reach out to the young people sheltered at Terra Nova, as a way of experiencing the importance of getting up and going out to help our fellow human beings. The event ended with a religious celebration at the Mother Church of Itapiranga, as a way of giving thanks for the moments shared. ”
For Roberta Henkes Barbosa, a student at the school, the event provided a different view of the reality of children and adolescents sheltered in residential centres. “We spent weeks planning, thinking about every detail. However, when we arrived at the Terra Nova Shelter, we changed most of our activities, games and workshops, as everyone formed one big group, like a real brotherhood. We already miss the children and are looking forward to returning.”
For the Sa-Fa Youth Mission 2024, a joint edition is planned, bringing together all the Sa-Fa Family school units in Brazil in one place, providing moments of integration and volunteer work in favour of a community.