On Wednesday 4th October, the school Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Fisterra) received the National Reading Clubs Award for the work developed in the centre. This project aims to connect students with the words contained in books, as reading is a source of knowledge, imagination and creativity. Many activities are carried out in the Club: of course, reading books and commenting on them, as well as discussions with some authors; but it is also involved in the life of the school. Thus, they have collaborated in different events such as the Day of Women Writers, with a mural with information about their favourite writer; the Day without cars, with posters to raise awareness among the population; the Day against Gender Violence, participating in an event organised by the City Council with a protest dance; Christmas, sending postcards to the old people’s home associated to the educational centre; the Day of Peace, elaborating banners in favour of non-violence; the Day of Poetry, organising a lyrical contest; the Day of Theatre, representing a play to the youngest; or the Day of Cancer, collaborating with the AECC of Fisterra in a campaign to collect donations. A project in which the students get involved, learn, enjoy, collaborate and work as a team to achieve a single goal: an integral education.