The Nazarene and Taborinian Spirituality Centre is a permanent body at the service of the General Council and the Provinces whose purpose is the spiritual animation of the Sa-Fa Family.
The Centre is composed of an Interprovincial Community residing in Belley and a team of brothers and lay people appointed by the Superior General and his Council for a mandate of three years. It is agreed that a member of each of the provincial teams for the animation of Nazarene and Taborinian spirituality will be part of this team.
It is based in the Gabriel Taborin House in Belley. This house can welcome some Brothers for a period of formation. It can also offer individuals or groups a welcoming space for an experience of spiritual deepening and direct contact with the places of the Founder.
Depending on the needs and possibilities, it can run formation courses in other places
Gabriel Taborin House. Belley
“All the houses of the Institute form one family, dispersed by the demands of God’s service, but united by the bonds of charity, by the same spirit, the same spirituality and the same mission of the Institute” (C 187).
In order to keep alive the dynamic of history, fraternal communion and formation, the Institute needs some visible points of reference. For us, the Gabriel Taborin House in Belley is::
- The Mother House of our Institute, a visible sign of unity.
- The house acquired for the Institute by the Founder in the heart of the city and the diocese.
- The first Mission Community opened by Brother Gabriel and the oldest in the Institute.
- A place near the Founder’s tomb in the Cathedral.
- A memory of the origins of the Institute, a place where Brother Gabriel’s intuitions were put into practice and where Nazarene spirituality spread.
- The Centre draws up its programme of activities.
- The Centre works in collaboration with the Nazarene and Taborine spirituality animation teams of the Provinces.
- The General Administration finances the functioning and the activities of the Centre.
- The Provinces requesting its services assume, according to their means, all the expenses involved, including possible editions. In case of need, the Provinces can turn to the General Council.
Identity and mission from the Community
- To be a community that bears witness to our history and spirituality.
- To be an intercultural community, an expression of the international character of the Institute and of the universal Church.
- To be guardians of the archives, of historical objects and of our own house, expression and symbol of the roots of the Institute.
- To welcome pilgrims who wish to visit the places where Brother Gabriel lived and where the Congregation was born.
- To collaborate with the parish and other associations in Belley.
Identity and mission From the team
- It is a symbol of “unity in diversity” around Brother Gabriel.
- It constitutes a point of reference and support for the revitalisation of the Institute.
- It collaborates with the Nazarene and Taborinian spirituality animation teams of the Provinces, networking and coordinating common actions.
- He participates in the formation programmes of the Provinces when they request it.
- Accompanies groups of Brothers or members of the Sa-Fa Family who wish to deepen their knowledge of Brother Gabriel and our charism in the Gabriel Taborin House.
- Takes care of possible requests for formation from Brothers and formation houses.
- It programmes common formation processes between Brothers and lay people in order to continue to grow as a charismatic Sa-Fa Family.
- Promotes the formation of formators, both Brothers and Laity.
- It produces its own materials and publications.
Approved by the General Council. Rome, 12/06/2020