The beginnings in Spain
The first Brothers of the Holy Family arrived in Spain from France in the year 1909. The support of the Mambrilla-Prado family in La Horra (Burgos) permitted the Brothers Martin Dumas and Gerasime Christoud forming the first Community and opening a formation house. From 1909 to 1933, the small Communities of Spain were directly dependant of the General Council. The majority of the new Spanish Brothers were sent to work in the schools of America. In 1933 it was created the European Province, which comprised the Communities of France, Italy and Spain.
The way to the creation of a Province
The growth of the Brothers in the Spanish Communities led to form in 1947 the Vice-Province “Our Lady of the Assumption” which comprised the houses of the Congregation in Spain. At that moment, there were four Communities: The formation houses of La Horra and Sotillo de la Ribera (in the Burgos District) and the schools of Madrid and Valladolid. In 1951 it was erected the Province Our Lady of the Assumption as an autonomous jurisdiction formed by the Communities of Spain.
The building up of the Province
The growth of the number of Brothers in the decades of the 50s and 60s made possible the creation of the schools in Madrid, Barcelona, Burgos and Gavà (Barcelona), and the formation houses of Valladolid, Sigüenza and Salamanca. It also kept the sending of a large number of Brothers to the works that the Congregation had in Uruguay and Argentina. The sensitivity of the decade of the 70s to be nearer to underprivileged realities led to the opening of Communities in El Pozo del Tío Raimundo (Madrid), Santa Juliana (Madrid), Llobregós (Barcelona), Finisterre (La Coruña); Brasilia, the new capital of Brazil; Colombia, though later on it passed to Lago Agrio (Ecuador) and Navaluenga (in the Gredos mountain, Ávila).
Facing the new time
The crisis of vocations began to be felt strongly in the 1980s and the work was focused on the established works. Nevertheless, the province took over some schools from other institutions in Puyo and Guaranda (Ecuador) and Palma de Mallorca, and opened formation houses in Puyo and Quito in Ecuador, Begues in Barcelona and Villalón in Burgos. In the last years of the 80s and the 90s and 2000s, work was done on the concept of shared mission, involving the laity in educational and pastoral tasks based on the identity and the Educational Project of the Congregation. In 1993 the Association of Nazarene Fraternities was created, inviting the laity to also participate in the spirituality of the Institute. Since 2015, the management of the educational and pastoral activity has been delegated to the Titularity Team. The entire Sa-Fa Family collaborates in this mission.
In 2022, on the occasion of the Reorganisation of the Institute, the Communities and works in Mexico became part of the Province of Our Lady of the Assumption.
A sensitivity more universal
In 2003, it was created a new Community in Madurai (India) and in 2006 another new Community in Bucaramanga (Colombia). In the last years, while in Spain the entrance of new Brothers is diminishing, in India, the growth of vocations of Brothers has permitted opening Communities in Eluru and Kurdeg. The closure of the Community of Lago Agrio (Ecuador), which directed a big school, has been compensated by the opening of a new school in the city of Ambato, with the desire of maintain the educational commitment in Ecuador. The apostolic work is carried out in the Christian education and the school and parish pastoral, which cares for some 14,000 students.
The biggest part of the Communities live in an educational atmosphere and formation houses, and they animate, in collaboration with the lay people, a large number of educational initiatives, catechesis, youth pastoral, liturgical animation, cultural and missionary activities… The Communities that live in the rural ambience collaborate with the parishes in the liturgical animation, the teaching of Religion, the catechesis, etc.
Provincial Council 2022 – 2025
Provincial: Bro. Jorge García
1st Councillor: Bro. Fernando Cob
2nd Councillor: Bro. Fidel Morejón
3th Councillor: Bro. José Luis Garrido
Communities and works
1. La Horra (Burgos). (1909): Foundational House. For long time formation house and school; today Community inserted in parish activities. Museum and house for group activities.
2. Madrid (1935). Colegio Sagrada Familia”. Kindergarten up to Higher Secondary School Education. Pastoral activities. Delegation of the NGO Carumanda.
3. Barcelona (1950): Colegio Sagrada Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities.
4. Gavà (Barcelona). (1952): Colegio Sagrada Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities.
5. Sigüenza – Guadalajara. (1960): Training and group accommodation house.
6. Valladolid (1964): Provincial House. “Colegio Internado Sagrada Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities
7. Burgos (1965): “Colegio Sagrada Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities
8. Finisterre – La Coruña. (1973): Parish school“Colegio Nª Sª del Carmen”. Education. Pastoral activities
9. Begues –Barcelona. (1985): House for Groups activities.
10. Palma de Mallorca. (1988): “Colegio Virgen del Carmen”. Education. Pastoral activities.
11. Vicálvaro – Madrid. (2000): Shelter for minors.
12. Valladolid (2022):“Sagrada Familia” Professional Training Centre.
13. Puyo (1985): “U. Educativa San Vicente Ferrer” and Formation House. Education. Pastoral activities.
14. Quito (1992): Formation House. Pastoral Activities.
15. Guaranda (2000): “U. Educativa Verbo Divino”. Education. Pastoral activities.
16. Ambato (2009): “U. Educativa Sagrada Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities.
17. Tijuana (1987): “Colegio Familia”. Education. Pastoral activities.
18. Aguascalientes (1991): Formation House. Religious education.
19. Madurai (2003): Formation House. Scholasticate. Vocation promotion activities. Pastoral activities.
20. Eluru (2007): Formation House. Pastoral activities.
21. Kurdeg (2013): “Holy Family School”. Education. Pastoral activities
22. Bangalore ( 2014): “Holy Family School”. Education CRI: Centre for Theological Studies for Brothers.
23. Savariyar Pattanam (2015): “St Xavier High School”. Education. Pastoral activities.
24. Mookaswan (2022): “St Paul School”. Education, boarding school and vocational animation.
25. Bucaramanga (2006):Formation House and of Vocation promotion. Pastoral Activities