
Nazarene Fraternities of Uruguay

On the 7th of December, in the Gabriel Taborin retreat house in Montevideo, the meeting “Convivencia de Fraternidades Nazarenas de Uruguay” was held. It brought together those fraternal members who participate in the same in the country. Thirty-seven fraternal brothers and sisters participated. The following fraternities were present: Santa Ana, San Juan Bautista and Gabriel Taborin from Montevideo; San Jose Obrero, Renovadora and Fraternidad Joven from the city of San Jose; Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe from Canelones and the Fraternity of Salto. The objective of this meeting was to achieve a time of fellowship as members of the FFNN of Uruguay to get to know each other, meet, celebrate together, share the table and strengthen ties and commitment to work as an association.