The beauty of announcing the Good News
“Following the example of their Founder, the Brothers of the Holy Family give to catechesis the first place in their apostolic work. In the name of Christ, they proclaim the message of salvation and the call to conversion” (C 122).
Brother Gabriel had a great appreciation for the catechesis. He wrote: “There is no more beautiful, honourable and meritorious role than catechesis for the one who does it out with faith”. He wrote this certainty in his autobiography: “I gave myself over to this holy exercise with a kind of happiness”. He had such regard for this service of the Church that he asked for and obtained from Pope Gregory XVI the title of “Apostolic Catechist”.
From the time of the Founder, the Brothers carry out the mission of catechesis in two different ambiences: The catechesis in the schools and the catechesis in the parishes.
Our educational centres promote the creation of groups of initiation and deepening in faith. Each group follows an itinerary of formation adapted to the age and to the process of maturation of its members.
The goal of catechesis is to help the Word of God to be welcomed within the hearts of the people and to put the person in contact with Jesus Christ. This is a task that is long-life. For this, the formative itineraries are prolonged in the youth groups, youth communities and adult communities.
Many people live their faith nurtured from the spirituality of Nazareth.