Entre From the 3rd to the 5th of January, the Brothers of the Province of Our Lady of Hope held a fellowship at the Good Shepherd House in Florida (Uruguay). These were days of fraternal encounter, of dialogue on some of the themes of the Province and of exchange on the experiences of the year in the different communities. Twenty-two Brothers from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay took part. It culminated with a meeting in the house of Solymar where we were able to enjoy a delicious barbecue while sharing with the Brothers various experiences.
On the 7th the spiritual retreat began, led by Brother Enzo Biemmi. The retreat allowed us to deepen our understanding of the life of Brother Gabriel and its relationship with our own life (to be born, to decide, to reformulate, to surrender, to experience mercy, to surrender our life). It was valued by the Brothers as very positive and profound. It culminated on the afternoon of the 12th, where Bro. Fernando Perera renewed his vows for two years. We were accompanied by Brother Néstor Achigar, the current Vice Provincial of the Vice Province of San José Obrero.