
Meeting of communication networks

The Second Meeting of Communication Networks of the Province of Our Lady of Hope was held in Cordoba on 16 and 17 November. The theme of the meeting was “Keys for a synodal communication” led by Prof. Carlos Raco. Around 40 people from all the works of the Province took part. It took place in a fraternal atmosphere of dialogue and formation in communication based on our charism. Experiences from each place were shared and guidelines for the future were given. The participation of the Brothers and the Directors of the works also gave it an institutional framework, which is very important when it comes to weaving networks between all the members of the educational community. The 2024 motto was also launched: “We are weaving together for a world of Peace”. We would like to highlight the presence of Brother José Lahoz who, at 95 years of age, continues to be a witness and his joy is contagious.