From 9 September to 7 October, we, Brother Albano from Brazil/Timor Oriental, Brothers Abhay and Paul from India, Brother Benjamin from Burkina Faso and Brother Samuel from Benin, had the privilege of taking part in a formation programme in Rome, organised by the Tutti Fratelli Group on the accompaniment of young Brothers. Forty-seven Religious Brothers from thirteen congregations took part, coming from five continents, twenty-nine countries and carrying out their mission in 32 countries. The teaching, of exceptional quality, was given in the majestic Maison Généraliste des Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes. A total of ten course modules were delivered. We enjoyed them with undisguised enthusiasm. The atmosphere was one of conviviality, exchange of experience and cultural sharing, creating an enriching synergy.
During the course, we made a pilgrimage to Assisi in a rainy climate that was rich in emotion. We were also pleased to receive a visit from the Secretary of the Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Monsignor José Rodríguez Carballo, accompanied by several Superiors General, including our own. At weekends we spent our time at our General House in Rome, where we had the opportunity to visit the whole of Rome.
Two of our confreres, Théodore Berzal and Davide Delbarba, provided translation services for all the participants. We were accompanied during this training by the Vicar General, Brother David Rasero.
The joy was palpable among us, privileged participants in this formative experience. These training courses have had a profound effect on us, giving new vigour to our commitment and broadening our vision of our respective missions. They have also been a great motivation for our future, equipping us with the tools we need to tackle our missions with even greater determination and skill.
We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to our leaders who enabled us to experience this memorable and unique moment.
Brothers Albano, Abhay, Paul, Samuel and Benjamin