
50 years of presence in Finisterre

On 30 September, the fiftieth anniversary of the presence of the Brothers in Finisterre was celebrated. The celebration was centred on three moments. The Eucharist was presided over by the Archbishop of Santiago, Mons. Francisco José Prieto Fernández. Brother Jorge García, provincial, as well as Brothers from various communities. Also present were the mayoress of the town and representatives of the Catholic Schools. At the beginning, some significant moments of the community and the activities carried out by the Brothers during that time were recalled.

After the Eucharist, the participants were invited to go to the Colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen where a banner was unveiled alluding to the event and the elements of the locality. In the same centre, teachers and brothers had prepared a beautiful exhibition. Those present were invited to have an aperitif and refreshments to combat the heat of the morning. The party ended with a shared lunch between Brothers, teachers and collaborators. There were no shortage of gifts and surprises, especially for Brother Alejandro for 30 years of uninterrupted work in the village.