Streets and squares dedicated to Brother Gabriel Taborin
In some countries, at the request of the Brothers, municipal corporations have dedicated a street or a square to Brother Gabriel on the occasion of a commemoration. These are acts of esteem for his person and show that his work is still alive today.
Tandil (Argentina)
In September 1983 and on occasion of the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the arrival of the Brothers of the Holy Family to Tandil, the Brothers got that a beautiful avenue in front of the “Quinta San Gabriel”, important point of reference for all the urban community, might bear the name of Brother Gabriel Taborin.
Belley (Francia)
By request of the A.I.S.F (Holy Family International Association), it was given the name of “Frère Gabriel Taborin” to a street joining the Rue du Chapitre with the Rue de Savoie, next to the property of the Brothers. The Street was inaugurated on 11th October 1990.
Passo Fundo (Brazil)
On 20th December 1991, the Major of Passo Fundo publishes a municipal law given the name of “Rua Irmao Gabriel Taborin” to the street going from the national road (BR 285) until the property of the Brothers of the Holy Family.
Bell Ville (Argentina)
In the city of Bell Ville, in 1991, coinciding with the declaration of the sanctity of the virtues of our Founder, they designed with the name of “Hermano Gabriel Taborin” a street with a hundred metres long and leading to the Park Tau, an important place for the life of the population of Bell Ville. A bronze plaque fixed on the façade of a particular house remembers this event: “Brother Gabriel Taborin 1799-1864, Founder of the Brothers of the Holy Family”.
Córdoba (Argentina)
In the city of Córdoba, very near the Institution Escuti, upon the Holy Family Avenue –a very important street crossing over a large bridge upon the Suquía River which joins the two sectors of the city. In the year 1999, the Congregation gave half hectare of valuable lands to build a small square which bears the name of “Hermano Gabriel”. In the middle of the small square there is a monument to our Brother Founder, made of white cement with a coat of old bronze, with two metres and a half height, and as a base, red granite. Brother Gabriel, of full body, walks as going towards the Avenue that bears the name of his love: Holy Family. This sculpture was made by a local artist
La Horra (Spain)
The first street that Brother Gabriel has in Spain is in the village of La Horra (Burgos). On occasion of the Bicentenary of the birth of Br. Gabriel, on 21st November 1999, was officially put the name of “Hermano Gabriel Taborin” to the street going towards Carrasotillo, behind the old house of the Brothers. The ceremony was presided over by the Bishop of Burgos.
Burgos (Spain)
The Autonomous Government of the Corporation of Burgos, in an ordinary session on 7th March 2006, gave the name of “Hermano Gabriel Taborin” to a street of the new housing developing which is being built in the old army headquarters “Dos de Mayo”, very near the School. The street is connected with the two big areas of entertainment in the city such as the “Deportiva Militar” with Sports centre and swimming pools and the Corporation Sports Centre, by the River and the “Paseo de la Quinta”.