
Perpetual profession in India

On May 1st, a heartfelt memorial event unfolded within the Community of Madurai, marking a significant milestone as Five Brothers of the Holy Family: Brothers Ashwin Pradhan, Joji Bulla, Sukanta Nayak, Rajesh Babu, and Tamil Selvan, committed to their Perpetual Profession. The ambiance overflowed with joy as the Delegation Brothers gathered to witness this profound occasion.

Guiding the proceedings with grace and wisdom, Archbishop Most Rev. Anthony Pappusamy led the Celebration, engaging the assembled with inquiries into the intentions and preparedness of the Five Brothers. His homily eloquently emphasized the essence of the three vows, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees, particularly the religious community.

Among the witnesses were numerous priests, sisters, cherished family friends, and the proud parents and relatives of the Brothers, adding to the solemnity of the occasion. Brother Sagar Sandeep, serving as the delegate of the Superior General, stood witness as these five brothers wholeheartedly dedicated themselves to God’s service, embraced by the supportive presence of their fellow Delegation Brothers.