The Nazareth Youth Philippines

The Nazareth Youth Philippines

The Nazareth Youth Philippines in collaboration with St. John the Baptist Parish of Brgy. Lasang and GKK Sto. Niño, Bucana once again hold its Kabatan-unan sa Nazareth Outreach Program with the children on March 24, 2024

Nazarene mission. Uruguay

Nazarene mission. Uruguay

Students from the Sagrada Familia de la Familia Sa-Fa schools in Uruguay are on their Holy Week mission in the San José Obrero Parish in Ciudad del Plata, in the department of San José.

Meeting of Brothers and FFNN.  Uruguay

Meeting of Brothers and FFNN. Uruguay

On Saturday, the 16th, the Meeting of Brothers and Fraternities of the Uruguay sector was held in Aguada, since it could not be held in San José, as usual, due to the floods that are affecting a good part of the country.

Preparing the Holy Week “missions”. Ecuador

Preparing the Holy Week “missions”. Ecuador

The 16th, 43 young people from Ambato, Puyo and Guaranda met to learn about the work to be done in the Holy Week Missions. We worked on each of the liturgies and finished with the Eucharist and sending forth, with the imposition of the cross.

Family camp. Puyo-Ecuador

Family camp. Puyo-Ecuador

The Vincentian Camp 2023-2024 “Behold” is not only an event, but an exciting journey towards the unity and transformation of diverse families that converge into one.

Camp “Home and Workshop”. Uruguay

Camp “Home and Workshop”. Uruguay

The camp “Home and Workshop” was held in El Campanero with the participation of young people from all the works in Uruguay. An experience of Home through living together and reflection and another experience of “workshop”, concrete work in the place.

With young people… in the Philippines

With young people… in the Philippines

Lent is indeed a season of conversion, a time to recall all our experiences and learning lessons from it. The Nazareth Youth – Philippines in preparation for the celebration once again hold its annual recollection and team building together with the members of the Nazareth youth group

Parents’ Association Assembly. Gavà – Spain

Parents’ Association Assembly. Gavà – Spain

On the 9th and 10th the 53rd Assembly of the National Association of parents of the Sa-Fa Family schools in Spain took place in Gavà. Saturday the 9th was dedicated to training with work on verbal and non-verbal communication, conflict management and the development of listening skills.

The Sa-Fa Youth Pastoral Assembly. Argentina

The Sa-Fa Youth Pastoral Assembly. Argentina

“There are people who, when they cross our path, reveal to us the mystery of things” (Jorge Méndez). On the 24th and 25th February, the Sa-Fa Youth Pastoral Assembly of Argentina took place in the sports field “La Morenita”, Buenos Aires.

Educate interiority. Sa-Fa Family Spain

Educate interiority. Sa-Fa Family Spain

Last Friday, February 16, a group of teachers from the Sa-Fa Family schools in Spain were lucky enough to share a day aimed at reflecting and delving deeper into Interiority in our schools