Retreat of Uruguayan Fraternities

Retreat of Uruguayan Fraternities

From 6 to 8 September the annual retreat of the Nazarene Fraternities of Uruguay was held at the Good Shepherd Retreat House in Florida with the participation of some 40 people.

New spaces at Sa-Fa Brasilia

New spaces at Sa-Fa Brasilia

On the 10th of August, the new space of the Estancia Recanto, the “chacra” Sagrada Familia de Brasilia, was inaugurated, coinciding with the celebration of “Father’s Day”. We had a beautiful Eucharistic celebration with the blessing of the new space and, of course, the traditional “costillas asadas”, a gaucho tradition of barbecue.

Meeting of Sa-Fa catechists. Uruguay

Meeting of Sa-Fa catechists. Uruguay

On 10 August 2024, the XXIX Meeting of Sa-Fa Catechists took place in Montevideo (Aguada), which this year was attended by the pastoral animators of all the Sa-Fa schools in Uruguay. About 90 catechists attended.

First mission community in East Timor

First mission community in East Timor

After 2 years of negotiations, on 4 August 2024, the feast of St. Curé d’Ars, the welcome of the Brothers’ Community was celebrated in Ponilala (East Timor) by the authorities and the faithful of the Parish.

Religious professions in Sâaba

Religious professions in Sâaba

On 26 July 2024, the Brothers of the Province of N. D. de Lorette-Sainte Anne Province in its African sector celebrated the first profession, perpetual vows and golden jubilee of our confreres: Br. Dominique OUEDRAOGO, Bro Grégoire DOMELEVO and Bro. Raphael SIMPORE.

XIX Provincial Chapter of Our Lady of the Assumption

XIX Provincial Chapter of Our Lady of the Assumption

The XIX Provincial Chapter was held in Valladolid from 14 to 22 July. The first two days were attended by some lay people and Brothers, as well as the capitulants, for moments of formation and reflection. The central theme was ‘Same mission, new challenges’.

First Professions in Indonesia

First Professions in Indonesia

With the motto ‘Kami adalah kawan sekerja Allah’ 1 Cor 3, 9 (‘We are co-workers in the work of God’) the first religious profession of twenty-four novices was celebrated on the evening of 13 July. Stefanus Buyung O.Carm, Vicar General of the diocese of Maumere.

Nazarene Spirituality Youth Camp

Nazarene Spirituality Youth Camp

AJEN 2024 – The first AJEN (Acampada Juvenil de Espiritualidad Nazarena) took place between 19 and 22 June, after the interruption caused by the pandemic and the necessary process of reconstitution of the Youth Pastoral processes.

Pilgrimage Belleydoux – Les Bouchoux

Pilgrimage Belleydoux – Les Bouchoux

Four of the Brothers who studied in Rome this year spent a week of formation in Belley (at the Mother House of the Congregation) and visited the places where Brother Gabriel lived.

Presentation of the New Kario Society in Belley

Presentation of the New Kario Society in Belley

On 3 July, the New Kario Company, linked to the Chartreuse, was presented. The event was attended by the civil authorities and 9 Brothers were present. The new Director, Mr. Olivier Pin, presented the history of the Distillery and congratulated the Brothers for their work.