The First Chapter of the Vice Province of St. Joseph the Worker was held in Kupang, Indonesia, from 27 to 31 December 2024. The Chapter adopted the motto “We walk with Brother Gabriel in the footsteps of St. Joseph”..
Nazarene Fraternities of Uruguay
On the 7th of December, in the Gabriel Taborin retreat house in Montevideo, the meeting “Convivencia de Fraternidades Nazarenas de Uruguay” took place. It brought together those fraternal members who participate in the same in the country.
Star sowers in Sa-Fa Madrid
As every year, a few days before Christmas, many children dedicate a morning to give a smile and a star to people they meet on the street. This year the diocesan day of Star-Seeders was held in the parish to which our school in Madrid belongs.
Educator training in Ecuador
On 5 and 6 December, the Colegio Sagrada Familia in Ambato hosted an enriching training meeting for all the teaching and administrative staff of the three educational units of the Sa-Fa Family in Ecuador.
Solidarity lunch. CAM – Italy
On Sunday 1 December, the traditional solidarity lunch was held at Villa Brea, attended by around 200 people. Friends, collaborators, benefactors, linked to the large Sa-Fa Family, generously responded to the invitation.
Meeting of the Sa-Fa Family. Spain
On the weekend of 30 November and 1 December a new Sa-Fa Family Meeting was held in Sigüenza. Some 120 people participated, including Brothers, catechists, members of the Fraternities and educators,
Tandil (AR): the night of the museums
The San José School Museum, inaugurated in 2008 to celebrate the centenary of the school and the arrival of the Brothers of the Holy Family in Argentina, opened its doors to join the “Night of the Museums”.
We walk with Br. Gabriel – Guaranda – EC
The figure of our Founder is becoming more and more popular in our centre and in our surroundings and, since 2016, we have been celebrating him in a special way. The whole Unit, students, parents, grandparents, relatives, teachers… “We walk with Brother Gabriel”.
Sa-Fa Youth Mission – Brazil
Approximately 80 members of the Sa-fa Family in Brazil, including 70 young people and around 10 educators, gathered in the city of Marau, in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, for the Youth Mission. The event took place between 25 and 27 October.
Vocational meeting in Ecuador
In the city of Ambato, a group of 19 young people are continuing their course, following the plan of vocational encounters started last year. We have celebrated the third meeting, with the motto: “AIR, soft breeze” during the 25th, 26th and 27th of October.