
The Sa-Fa Family in education

The Sa-Fa Family Centres are centres of the Catholic Church, committed to faith formation in dialogue with culture, with other religions and worldviews and in constant service to the Church and to all people, regardless of class, race, gender or religion.

The educational offer of the Sa-Fa Family is by its nature catholic, universal. Those who profess the Catholic religion and those who belong to other religious denominations or none at all can benefit from it. We encourage the integral growth of each person, respecting their beliefs and proposing the Gospel in a climate of dialogue and mutual enrichment that fosters mutual understanding, coexistence and peace.

The Sa-Fa Family Educational Project is available to families and pupils, teachers and administrators, non-teaching staff and anyone else interested in this type of education.

To see the text of the Sa-Fa Educational Project click on here.

This graph summarises the educational offer of the Sa-Fa-Family::

The Sa-Fa Family has several types of educational centres:

  • Formal education in its various degrees.
  • Catechist schools
  • Vocational education for disadvantaged pupils.
  • Vocational training
  • University education

To see the full text about Sa-Fa Schools click  here

The 56 educational centres of the Sa-Fa Family are located on 4 continents: America (since 1889), Europe (since 1899), Africa (since 1952) and Asia (since 2000).